We at Legacy chapel funeral home and crematory, located in Madison, Alabama take immense pride indedicating ourselves in service of Madison and Huntsville community by taking care of funeral and crematory services of our community members, allowing them to grieve the loss of their loved ones without having to stress about funeral arrangements.
Community members of Madison and Huntsville, Alabama can contact us for their funeral related arrangement services which include but is not limited toservices of funeral director, embalming, preparation of the deceased body for display, renting of hearse for transportation of the deceased body, cremation services, memorial service, immediate burial, forwarding or receiving remains from another funeral home, providing caskets and urns for sale or rental etc.
Our community members can also contact us if they wish to pre-plan their own funeral services in an unfortunate event of their untimely demise. This is only reduce the stress your family members as all the decisions and expenses regarding funeral arrangement will be taking care during your life-time allowing your family to grieve your loss without any external funeral related stress. Another advantage of pre-planning your own funeral is locking todays rate for a funeral which will happen in the future. We encourage people of Madison and Huntsville to contact us for pre-planning their funerals.
W strongly believe in giving back to our community through our various community outreach programs which include grief support and free educations seminars for community members of Madison and Huntsville.We pride ourselves for having excellent facilities for conducting funeral services and are equipped with a 250 seater chapel, stained glass windows with LED backlit, separate gathering rooms for meals, a separate children’s area, a viewing room for closure etc. Friends and family memberscan contact us on our website to send sympathy flowers to the graves of the recently deceased.
You can contact us anytime as we are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and remain open even on holidays. We accept payment cash, personal checks, debit and credit cards and insurance policies.