Cracking any exam can be pretty challenging, and GATE exams with already such high competition are no exception. So, how to ace the GATE exams? A question often asked among the candidates of GATE, I am sure. Here, in this article, an attempt is being made to provide a highly accurate and feasible solution to this question while also analysing the question paper pattern of GATE exams.
Candidates can easily ace the exams if they choose suitable study materials and resources to prepare. As a first step to planning the exam preparation, candidates should clearly understand the latest relevant GATE exam pattern. Let us browse through this article and get a clear understanding of the GATE exams resource, exam pattern and more.
Crack the Exams With These Tools
Acing the GATE exams can be tough but not impossible. The candidate will have to work hard, though. So, to begin with, the candidate will need the perfect resources to prepare most diligently for the exams. Let us check the list below:
- GATE syllabus for all the subjects to plan the studies properly
- GATE study materials/ resources / textbooks for relevant subjects
- Mock tests/sample papers for GATE exams to practise hard
- Solve the previous year question papers of the selected subjects
Using these resources, any candidate will be able to score well in the GATE exams easily. However, to prepare for the exams most efficiently or effectively, candidates need to know the GATE exam pattern thoroughly.
So Let Us Understand The GATE Exam Pattern
Knowing the GATE exam pattern and marking scheme properly will help the candidates study more proficiently for the GATE exams. In the below table, we have tried to list the details of the pattern of GATE examination:
GATE Examination Pattern
Particulars | Details |
Exam Mode | CBT ( Computer Based Test) |
Duration | 3 Hours |
Number of Subjects(Papers) | 27 |
Sections of the Paper | General Aptitude(GA) + Subject Selected by the Candidate |
Types of Questions | (A) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) (B) Remaining typesMultiple Select Questions (MSQ) and/orNumerical Answer Type (NAT) Questions |
Questions to test these abilities | Recall, Comprehension, Application, Analysis and Synthesis |
Number of Questions | GA (10 ) + Subject (55) = 65 Questions |
Distribution of Marks in all Papers EXCEPT papers AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH, XH and XL | Total = General Aptitude(15 Marks) + Engineering Mathematics(13 Marks) + Subject Questions(72 Marks)= 100 Marks |
Distribution of Marks in papers AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH, XH and XL | Total = General Aptitude(15 Marks) + Subject Questions(85 Marks)= 100 Marks |
Marks for Questions | All question are for 1 or 2 marks |
Based on the marking scheme and question paper pattern, planning the studies helps to determine the focus required for a particular subject or topic. In the meantime, to get a clear idea about the marking scheme, check out below.
Detailed Marking Scheme
Paper Codes | GA Marks | Subject Marks |
AE, AR, AG, BT, CE, CH, CS, CY, EC, EE, ES, EY, IN, MA, ME, MN, MT, PE, PH, PI, TF, ST and BM | 15 Marks | 85 Marks |
GG [Part A + Part B (Section 1 Geology OR Section 2 Geophysics)] | 15 Marks | 25 + 60= 85 Marks |
XE (Section A + Any Two Sections) | 15 Marks | 15 + (2×35) = 85 Marks |
XH (Section B1 + Any One Section) | 15 Marks | 25 + (1x 60) = 85 Marks |
XL (Section P + Any TWO Sections) | 15 Marks | 25 + ( 2 x 30) =85 Marks |
Now that the marking scheme and question pattern have been analysed, candidates can prepare for exams based on the subjects they choose. If a candidate opts for two subject papers, one would be the default choice of primary paper, and the second subject would be the secondary paper, selected from the permitted combinations. Candidates can thus analyse these and prepare well to score high in the GATE exam.
Thus, a thorough knowledge of the syllabus and the grading pattern is the key to success. With intense hard work, all these tools and strategies while studying or revising for the exams will ensure that the candidate aces the GATE exams thoroughly; candidates can prepare ahead and ace the exams.