Recently, Prasanth Chilukuri and Sunil Patel, the founders of Motorwerks Auto Group launched, Tekmetric, an auto repair software. This software is aimed at providing a smooth and wholesome experience in the management of auto shops. The two innovators and businessmen who featured in the March issue of Ratchet + Wrench said that they were motivated to create an all-in-one management software by the suffering they had gone through because of the lack of such a product in the market before. They added that their 20 years’ experience in running auto shop played a very crucial role in influencing the software capabilities. They wanted to address the challenges they had faced during this time with this all-in-one software.
Improving customer experience
According to Prasanth Chilukuri and Sunil Patel, for any auto business to thrive, they must offer good customer experience. With better customer service, a company can easily have a chain of loyal customers who will see to it that the business prospers. The Motorwerks founders said that from their experience with the other software it was tough to achieve customer satisfaction. So, one of the main areas they concentrated on when making their all-in-one auto repair software was bettering customer experience. They went ahead to state that from the feedback they are getting from the early adopters of their technology they managed to do that perfectly.
Eye-opening testimonial
The proprietor of S.H Automotive, Stefan Hoppe, who was one of the early adopters of Tekmetric said that the software had significantly improved their business. The Alamogordo based auto shop owner stated that his business had grown thanks to improved customer satisfaction as a result of using Tekmetric. They pointed out that the shop can cater to customers faster and offer them better services with this auto repair software. The staff has also been able to shade off 30 minutes of each customers time at the shop for those coming for the time-consuming services. This was very convenient for customers who are in a hurry. Hoppe pointed out that there is no turning back for their business thanks to the new software.
A free early adoption offer
Tekmetric keeps making its cake sweeter. Currently, they are running a free early adoption offer for all persons interested till the end of the year. This means that you can get the auto repair software entirely for free and use it till the end of the year without having to part with a penny or dime. What makes this deal from Tekmetric even more interesting is that you get a full-featured experience with the software during this free adoption time. The full-feature experience includes:
- Unlimited tech support and training for the software
- Powerful workflow management
- Inventory and parts management
- Paper-free estimating, authorization and invoicing
- Franchise and multi-shop management with single sign-on
- Multipoint and visual digital vehicle inspections
- Built-in OEM parts and integrated labor guide database
- Calendar and customer appointments reminder built-in
- Unlimited users per location
- Unlimited text messaging
- Automatic back up with enterprise-level security
All of this feature will remain part of the auto repair software even when it goes on sale. Additionally, you will be able to get an early adopters discount at the start of the year when the software goes on sale.
About Tekmetric
Tekmetric is a software solution designed to help auto shops and auto repair facilities better their profitability by improving their efficiency. Additionally, the auto repair software is designed to do away with the additional costs that were previously brought about by one-purpose software that was popular in the sector a while ago. The software’s all-in-one offering is too appealing to resist.